MCA DPT 3 Form Filing
What is MCA E Form DPT 3? All you need to know Every company (except government companies) is supposed to file a one-time return of the outstanding receipt of money or loan taken by the company, not considered as deposits from 01st April 2014 to 31st March 2019. The due date for filing Form DPT-3 is 29th June 2019. Who should file Form DPT 3? The MCA has made it necessary for all companies ( except government companies) registered in India to file the Form DPT-3. Small companies are also required to file form DPT 3, like- Private Limited Company Public Limited Company One Person Company (OPC) Small Company Form DPT 3 filing is required for disclosing both secured and unsecured loans and advance for goods and services. Loans obtained from the Holding Company, Subsidiary Company or Associate Company would also be considered to be file the same. Are small companies exempted from filing Form DPT 3? No, there is no exemption ...