Company registration, registration of company, registering a company in india
How to Register a Company in India After having a concrete idea for starting a company the most common question that arise is “How to Register a Company in India .”Company registration in India is now a very transparent and easy process, as it is completely online. While registering a company in India it is important to choose your business structure carefully as each business structure has different levels of compliances to be met with. For example, Private Limited Company , Limited Liability Partnership , One Person Company . The most preferred structure of registering a company is Private Limited Company. How to register Private Limited company in India? Follow the simple steps to register your Private Limited Company:- Step 1: Obtain DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) Step 2: Apply for DIN (Director Identification Number) Step 3: Reserve your unique Name Step 4: Form SPICe (INC-32) Step 5: e-MoA (INC-33) and e-AoA (INC-34) Step...