TDS Returns, TDS return filing
TDS Return is required to be filed by any person who is liable to deduct tax at source. A TDS Return is a quarterly statement which has to be submitted to the Income Tax Department of India. Submitting TDS Return is mandatory if you are a deductor. It should contain all details of TDS deducted and deposited by you for a particular quarter. The first requirement for filing a TDS Return is to obtain a valid TAN (Tax deduction account number). You need to assess if you are required to deduct TDS on which payments. Usually, all types of payments such as Salaries, Interest, Professional Fees, Payment to Contractors, Rent of Machinery, Rent of Building etc are covered under liable payments. There are prescribed rates for every type of TDS payments under the income tax act 1961. Informative read: TDS rate Chart for FY 2020-21. Types TDS return forms: TDS return Form 24Q: Statement for tax deducted at source from salaries TDS return Form 26Q: Stateme...